Hello there!

I'm Cecile, an educator who is passionate about transforming the classroom into a dynamic and inspiring space. Igniting a spark of creativity and empowerment in education!


I believe in the power of holistic practices to enhance well-being and foster a nurturing educational experience. By integrating mindfulness techniques and promoting emotional intelligence, I create a safe and transformative space for my students.


As a Counselor

Each student is unique, and my counseling approach will be tailored to individual needs and circumstances. Regular communication and a supportive, empathetic approach are key components of effective counseling services.

  • I will help students understand their academic strengths and weaknesses.
  • Assist in course selection and planning to ensure students are on track for graduation.
  • Provide information on academic programs, majors, and career paths.
  • Guide students in exploring potential career paths based on their interests, skills, and values.
  • Offer information on internships, job shadowing, and other opportunities to gain practical experience.

Mindfulness and Yoga

 As a yoga instructor, my aim and objectives goes beyond physical postures and movements. Yoga is a holistic practice that encompasses physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. 

  • Guide students in achieving proper alignment and form in each pose.
  • Help students develop increased body awareness.
  • Encourage the improvement of overall physical fitness.
  • Teach mindfulness and meditation techniques to improve concentration.
  • Help students manage stress through breath awareness and relaxation.
  • Guide students in cultivating mindful breathing in everyday life.

As a Classroom Teacher

     As a dedicated class teacher, students will benefit from a dynamic and enriching learning environment designed to foster both academic and personal growth.

     My teaching approach is student-centered, aiming to cater to diverse learning styles and needs. I employ engaging instructional methods, interactive activities, and real-world examples to make lessons relevant and captivating. By fostering a positive and inclusive classroom atmosphere, I encourage active participation and open communication, creating a space where students feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and asking questions.

       My role as a class teacher involves providing ongoing support to students. I am readily available to address individual concerns, offer additional assistance, and provide constructive feedback. Through regular assessments and progress monitoring, I tailor my teaching methods to accommodate the unique needs of each student, ensuring that they are challenged appropriately and receive the necessary guidance to reach their full potential.


Here are the key benefits you can expect when you enrol in my integrated tutoring

Academic Success

Enrolling in my integrated tutoring, counseling, and yoga program offers students a transformative experience that goes beyond traditional academic support. As a counselor, I provide personalized guidance to help students navigate the complexities of their academic journey. From course selection and goal-setting to addressing personal challenges, my counseling services aim to create a supportive environment for holistic development. Students will benefit from tailored strategies to enhance study skills, time management, and emotional resilience, fostering not only academic success but also personal growth.

Emotional and Mental Well-being

Complementing the counseling aspect, my role as a yoga instructor adds a unique dimension to the program. Yoga sessions focus on promoting physical health, mental clarity, and emotional well-being. Through a combination of asanas, breathwork, and mindfulness practices, students will experience increased flexibility, improved concentration, and stress reduction. The mind-body connection emphasized in yoga complements the academic support provided, creating a comprehensive approach to student well-being.

Balanced Lifestyle

Moreover, the integration of counseling and yoga aims to empower students with lifelong skills. Beyond the immediate academic goals, students will learn self-care practices, stress management techniques, and tools for maintaining a balanced lifestyle. This program fosters a sense of community, encouraging students to connect with their peers and build a support network. By enrolling in this holistic approach to education and well-being, students can expect to not only excel academically but also cultivate resilience, self-awareness, and a foundation for a healthy and fulfilling life.


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